#90 Chasing dreams

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When it comes to dreaming, I am at the top of the field. Born with a kind of crazy mind, I create the most astounding stories in my head. Well, this doesn’t only help me to have a lot of fun, or studying more effective, but I also benefit from the realistic pictures in my head, that create my future world.

The dreamer is the one who succeeds at least in his imagination, the realist doesn’t even succeed there.

Dreaming big is the motto. No matter how high you want to push the boundaries, if you are not even convinced about your own goals, how do you think you will transform your real life? You won’t! Believe me! If you have a clear vision of your future in your mind, success is not a matter of luck, but a matter of continuous work over time.

The first step for changing your life is figuring out what you want.

Every company and every athlete and every single one of us should have a vision about their future. Where do I want to be in 5 days, 5 weeks, 5 month, 5 years, 50 years? Your vision is the foundation of your success.

If you build your house, would you build it on sandy ground or on concrete?

My friend, I believe that your vision of your future isn’t the best story I have ever heard of. And this fact needs to change. If not even you are convinced by the story, how will the others react? Will they believe in you? Support you? Invest time, money or trust in you? Or will they laugh about you? Will they talk about you behind your back? Will they make jokes about your stupid ideas?

Your vision is perfect, when it is somewhere between megalomania and overconfidence.

Chasing dreams is not daydreaming about unrealistic goals. By the way, an unrealistic goal is by definition a project that is just scheduled too soon in your life. Please remember, nothing is impossible, but everything takes time! You want to become the next formula one star? Good for you! But you will not be there in the next years.

Dream big, start low. But start.

Chasing dreams makes a lot of fun. Try it out, if you don’t believe me.

See you next time!

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